Wedding // bröllopsfotograf Helsingborg: Diana and Bengt, Dec 6th 2008

A little over six months ago, Diana and Bengt got married! They now live in Qatar so I'll just remind both them and all you readers in hot, hot, summer Sweden, what December was like in Helsingborg :-)

We'd decided to shoot in Pålsjö woods, come rain or shine. Came rain... We did get some funny spectators walking their dogs looking a bit strangely at us. Hehe. Diana and Bengt were both so excited and were really two very "happy campers" anyway! We had a lot of fun trying to avoid the worst cloudbursts.

At first, sheltered in the pavillion:

Apart from nice, friendly and sooo pleasant to work with they are very cute as well!

A few details:

And then, out under the open sky:

(ok, under the umbrella for most of it - it was BEFORE the wedding ceremony!)

By the end of the shoot, we continued to the coastline and Landborgen to get the sea view. Well... let's just say it was a good try! It is back there, behind them!

This one is my favorite from this shoot, and they also picked this for their thank you-cards:

Thank you Diana and Bengt for a great day, and hope all is fantastic in Qatar!

Which one is your favorite? Feel free to write a comment under "Kommentarer" below!

Postat av: hanna b

sv: tack mette det värmer verkligen! särskilt att du gillade låtlistan. :)

superfina bilder har du själv tagit här, som vanligt! :)

2009-06-30 @ 19:49:58
Postat av: Vinnarlinda

I think they're all great but numbers 2 and 8 and the last one stand out extra specially. They look so happy and great together. Congratulations to the happy couple.

2009-06-30 @ 21:25:53
Postat av: Anna

Har kikat in på din blogg över ett år nu och måste säga att du utvecklas hela tiden :)

Måste även passa på att fråga dig, ska börja fota bröllop själv men vill inte annonsera på tex bröllopsorget förrän jag fått igång min hemsida samt har fotat något bröllop. Så frågan är, har du nått tips på hus jag kan hitta brudpar att fota utan denna annonsering?

2009-07-01 @ 14:35:58
Postat av: Ann-Louise [En bulle ur ugnen]

Fantastiska bilder!!!

Gillar den sista som bara den. Ser ut som han viskar något ömt och kärleksfullt i hennes öra och att hon rodnar lite grand. :)


2009-07-02 @ 07:48:07

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