Wedding // bröllopsfotograf Ängelholm: Anna & Jeremy

Look at her, she's gorgeous:

In the back room, the dress and shoes were waiting to be put on...

Anna and Jeremy chose Rebbelberga church, since that's where Anna's parents got married. It's such a nice church with beautiful colours. Jeremy, spending the last few minutes talking to the guys before Anna's arrival:

And here comes the bride (and bridesmaids)...

Laughter and happiness was definately the theme that day...

And some rain - rice as well as the regular kind...

This image I like a lot:

We went on to Klitterhus Hotel where the party was held, and started with a few pictures on the jetty. Hey, Jeremy - where is that hand put?

Since it was raining quite a lot, we had also decided to shoot in the hotel room, which had nicely picked color themes and furniture with "close-to-the-sea-feel":

Here's a couple of Anna, that I put some extra effects into. This is one of my favourites:

The proud and handsome Mr Martin in his kilt:

...with necessary props like a knife and a bottle...

Anna put the flowers in a chair for a minute and that was the perfect spot:

This sequence starts with a crazy one and actually ends with Anna being so moved by Jeremy's words and gestures that she started crying. That I found very sweet.

These last two are also images I really like, the first one for the humour (sorry guys, I just had to post this one :-)

and the last one for the absolute love and close warmth of it - a quiet moment.

Thank you so much Anna and Jeremy for letting me be a part of your day - it was great getting to know you. Hope to see you again!
Wonderful pictures :) They seame to be a very nice couple.
Du är grymt bra! =)
Underbara bilder. Kul att se att han gifte sig i kilt.
Great pictures. Anna's hair was beautiful, love the flowers. The dress is gorgeous, just like Jeremy's shoes!
Ja! =) De var verkligen underbara!
Hoppas du får en underbar dag!
Hej mette! :)
Vad kul att du svarade, tog ju så lång tid att jag nästan trodde du ignorerade mig ;) hehe.
Allt är jättebra här och mellan varven utav festande så letar jag ett jobb, och jag hoppas att jag får ett snart så jag har något att göra om dagarna istället för att sova & städa ;).
Hur är allt med dig?
Åh, bilderna där bruden sitter på sängkanten är helt fantastiska.
Vilken vacker klänning hon hade dessutom.
Fantastiska bilder !!! fint djup i alla och en härlig känsla som gör en lycklig bara att se på dom!
Mvh /Helena
Otroligt fina fotografier,favoriten blir det fotografi när de går på bron :-) och när hon sitter på sängen förstås.
Tack för att du lämnade kommentar på min blogg
Ha en bra kväll // Anna-Carin