Bröllopsfotograf // Wedding photographer Höör Bosjökloster: Laila & Erik (Filippines // Netherlands)
Laila is Swedish with relatives in the Filippines, and Eric being from the Netherlands also brought a lot of foreign guests. They both lived in Great Britain for several years where they also met! The castle church is so special and nice and so it was filled with people from all around the world:
When Laila and her father walked up the aisle, tears ran down her face from affection and we were all very touched by her emotions:
Tears soon turned into smiling...
Looking so proud and happy!
Like I said, Bosjökloster is absolutely faboulous as a wedding venue! Here we are on our way to shoot the portraits after the ceremony:
Frontside of the castle, overviewing the lake:
This was such an adorable moment:
The stunning bride and groom:
And Mette being an eye-lashes-fan just had to get a few shots of those:
The sky suddenly darkened and a very delicate summerrain started falling through the sun rays - we took shelter under the trees and the couple under my umbrella. These are my favorites, Laila and Erik look so much in love and are seriously glowing! Especially the last one...
Thank you Mr and Mrs de Vries for a great day, it was so much fun getting to know you!
For those of you who, like me, find Bosjökloster a place worth visiting, they have a café and restaurant open in the summertime - all information you need you can find on their webpage here. The gardens are open all year.
So... Which image is your favorite?
(And for the photogenic part Laila, I think I proved you wrong :-)
Wow! Vilka vackra bilder! De ser verkligen lyckliga ut, speciellt på den sista.
Svar: Tack för din kommentar på inläggen om OCD. Det finns människor till allt, men man ska inte behöva ta hur mycket som helst. Svårt att veta hur man ska bemöta ibland.
Härliga bilder du har här! Tur att du kikade in hos mig :)
Kram, kram!
Fattar du hur bäst du är? :D
Förlåt för att jag inte har komenterat på ett tag, jag har haft full upp..
Men du är BÄÄST på att fota Mette :D
The B/W portraits are fab - they're both model gorgeous! Laila must have something wrong with her eyes if she think's she's not photgenic.
The location's truly beautiful!
Alla bilder är suveräna men jag gillar bäst den svartvita där dom kysser varandra, svartvita på bruden och den med ögonfransarna... och den sista där dom kramas!
I think the bride looks like Alexandra- the ex-princess of Denmark (especially in the picture where she stands under the umbrella). She´s very beautiful and so pretty with the freckles on her nose!
Vilka fina fräknar. Pricken över i! Och gossen vid prästkragarna...
Fantastiska bilder som speglar denna fantastiska dag!Och gossen vid prästkragarna ...han är min gosse.Så fin bild!
Åh, underbara bilder! Särskilt bilden på Laila under paraplyet och den sista bilden :) Du är jätteduktig!
Whow!!! Great photo's from a fantastic and special couple on their weddingday