Bröllopsfotografering Paris // Wedding photographer Paris : Irina & Patrik

Tror ni jag trillade baklänges av lycka när jag fick förfrågan om att fotografera bröllop i Paris? JA. Och det blev ännu bättre än vi någonsin kunnat föreställa oss. Irina och Patrik skämde bort mig och Tim så till den milda grad att vi fortsatt umgås "över en bit mat" då och då sedan dess, hehe. Paris var ett otroligt och sant nöje från början till slut.

Det blir ett långt inlägg. Vi fotograferade många härliga timmar den veckan, så jag provar en ny grej med bilderna denna gången. Hoppas ni gillar! För större bilder, klicka på bilden och bläddra i varje galleri.


Guess if I almost fell off my chair from happiness when I received an email from a couple, asking if I wanted to photograph their wedding in Paris? YES. And it was far better than we could ever imagine. Irina and Patrik spoiled us completely! A true pleasure from start to finish - and we became really good friends.

Sit back and make yourself comfortable for this blog post - we photographed a lot that week
. I'm trying a new thing with the images this time - hope you like it! For larger images, just click and browse each gallery.

Portrait shoot the day before the wedding:
Pantheon. Mausoleum of Voltaire, Rosseau & Marie Curie.Inside PantheonIrina & PatrikIrinaAllee du Seminaire, a green spot in the middle of ParisThe famous Pont Alexandre III - bridgePont Alexandre III - bridge with view over the Eiffel TowerRomance at its best, at night in Paris

The day of the wedding - Irina's preparations at Hotel Luxembourg Parc
Antique make up table - at Hotel Luxembourg ParcNewly painted nailsIrina looking lovelyExtra eye lashes put on by the fantastic stylistContemplating whats comingCurly!One of my favorite images from this dayThe finest detailsWhy not sit on an antique chair getting ready for yout wedding?Lots and lots of hair pins to make a perfect hair doNail finishBuilding up...Le grand finale!Getting dressedDetails, detailsSomething blueLike a ballet dancerSoon, soon well be meeting the husband-to-be!

Portrait shoot in the beautiful gardens of Musée Rhodin:
With a lovely French accent: it is ONE euro to get in.Unpacking flowersAmazing colors in Irinas bouquetThe Musée Rhodin gardensThe Musée Rhodin gardensThe Musée Rhodin gardensI really like this shot of themWell executed wedding swirl :-)Patrik, proud groomAnd happy!Corsage flowerHappy bride!Perfectly chosen necklaceIrina, so elegantBrides maid CarolineBest man StefanDeep in the gardensA film kiss belongs in ParisA moment of silenceAnd the Crazy Bunch!

* Getting married at the Swedish Embassy
* Eight course wedding "lunch" (which was the best meal I've ever eaten) for a few fantastic hours at three-star Michelin restaurant Taillevent
The Swedish embassy in Paris - for civil weddings. You cant get married in the Swedish church in Paris, but you can get a church blessing ceremony afterwardsWere waiting outside the embassyExchanging ringsThe wedding roomThe kiss!Signing the wedding guest bookThe newly weds, Mr and Mrs IselindThe most amazing restaurant and food you can imagine. Do NOT go to Paris without eating at Taillevent. We had our own room and about eight waiters.The menu - made especially for us.Cutting the cake.The wedding cake just melted in your mouth. My goodness, I want to go back now!Excited bride and groom!

*Church blessing ceremony in the Swedish church
*Extended portrait session in the Metro and at Trocadero

The Swedish flag outside churchThe Swedish churchWalking up the isle in the Swedish churchBeautiful church!And a lovely priest.The church blessing is about the same as a real wedding ceremonyAnd as emotional...Lighting candles for the two sons back homeNOW its for real!A bit exhausted but very, very happyIn the Metro, on our way to TrocaderoMy absolute favorite image of them all - Love in the Paris MetroAt the viewpoint Torcadero, overlooking the Eiffel towerA parisian kiss... :-)Irina & Patrik, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Wow, that's one long blog post. Took me three hours! Hope it was a good way to watch them in galleries when you can choose yourself how many to watch at a time.

And apart from all the things we did when photographing, we also managed to eat wedding dinner and a few lunches at more great restaurants, have ice cream at Haägen Dazs, visit MonaLisa and Nike from Samothrace at Louvren, shop, and just enjoy this new favorite city of ours. Don't miss it!

And thank you Irina and Patrik, for bringing us! One of my best work weeks ever :-)

Postat av: s p i n d e l t j e j e n

Fantastiska foton som alltid Mette! Önskar jag kunde få fota ett sånt där bröllop någon gång också - Paris är fantastiskt underbart! :)


PS - Jooo jag håller till i Halmstad ibland också, så det är klart att jag tjoar till om jag befinner mig i den breddgraden ;)

2012-02-02 @ 15:38:19
Postat av: Eva Kronfält

Mette! Nu har du då överträffat dig själv! Vilka bilder! Sådan stämning! Jag är ju bekant med Irina och Patrik, och du har fångat dem så fantastiskt! Du gör alltid bra jobb, men det här var ändå något av det absolut bästa jag sett av dig. Du har fångat varje detalj, fångat Paris men ändå lyckats göra det så att allt handlar om Irina och Patril. Är så himla glad för deras skull att du kunde komma med dem till Paris! Det finns inte en enda fotograf, undertecknad inkluderad, som hade gett dem ett bättre minne för livet!

2012-02-02 @ 15:49:56
Postat av: becca

WOW, underbart!

2012-02-02 @ 16:53:57
Postat av: mammakero

Fantastiska bilder! Enormt underbart du jobbat ihop detta bröllopsgalleri! Du är fantastisk!

2012-02-02 @ 19:54:31
Postat av: Nilla

Vilka fina bilder!

Och varför gifte jag mig inte i Paris???

2012-02-02 @ 20:39:44
Postat av: Vinnarlinda

Gorgeous, gorgeous pics! What a truly wonderful day it must have been and such beautiful photographs to remember it all. Congratulations!

2012-02-03 @ 08:45:14

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